Discover The Mysterious Abs Training Secret
To Unlock Otherworldly Core Strength,
A Remarkably Flat & Toned Belly and Even
6-Pack Abs WITHOUT Intense Workouts

It’s hard to write this without getting choked up…

…because I need to share a story with you about how the promise I made to this eternally loyal, utterly faithful police dog holds the secret to you seeing your flat abs

…maybe even for the first time…

…and practically making yourself immune from back, neck and shoulder pain…

It’s a weird story about an under-the-radar method of attracting a flat belly without sacrificing your lifestyle or your bank account…

And it’s all thanks to this guy, my K9 partner Rogue…

Not just my partner… but truly my best friend

You see, he gave me a strange gift so beautiful, so unexpected… a gift I’ll share with you in just a moment… so you can discover the same lessons Rogue taught me…

that allowed me to finally get the flat belly and six pack abs I had been chasing for so long…

First… If you only take one single thing from this quick article, let it be this…

Because it’s what caused my flabby belly, my desperation and my terrible back pain…

#1 Most Destructive
Exercise Myth You Must
Ignore If You Want Flat Abs

So please… Never, ever listen to the old saying… “No Pain, No Gain”

It simply does not work for 9 out of 10 people… In fact I’ve discovered it’s actually the reason why most folks fail to have the body they desire and deserve…

Which is why I made this website for you…

You’ll Be Shocked To Share My
Mysterious Secret To Flat Abs…

By simply reading this short article, all the way to the end, you’ll discover… the near-magical, almost unbelievable secret used by practically every enlightened culture in history… that guarantees to flatten your belly quickly and almost effortlessly…

This mysterious (almost mystical) answer is revealed near the end so keep reading…

Now this will sound weird… however the truth and path to getting a flat belly and freeing yourself from pain is this…

First, accept yourself… Be happy in this moment, yet be clear where you want to go… Believe it… Then act…

Once I accepted that energy, it was like the flat abs
I wanted were magnetized towards me!

Listen: I know this sounds totally “woo-woo” and I understand your suspicion…

So let me tell you the real story of how I stumbled on this very unique and gentle exercise method to get a flat belly and even have 6-pack abs without the horrible hours of crunches and sit ups…

Discover How Finally Believing The
Truth Gave Me Six Pack Abs, And How
You Too Can Simply and Naturally Have
A Healthy, Flat Belly…

Hi, my name is Todd Lamb

I worked SWAT for almost 20 years. And before that I was a soldier in a Special Services unit of the Canadian Armed Forces…

So yeah… I’m not really the “woo-woo” type…

And when there’s a problem my first reaction has always been to work harder… be tougher… work longer… suffer more…

However that attitude almost broke me…

It started one night when me and my amazing K9 partner, Rogue, got called in to track down a bad guy…

I mean really bad… the guy stabbed his wife!…

It was quite a chase but we finally got him cornered…

To be honest, it wasn’t really fair to Rogue…

He’d been carrying more than his weight in our partnership…

In fact he’d been carrying all the extra weight I was packing onto my flabby belly…

I’m ashamed to admit I was living up to the old joke of a chubby, out of breath cop…

And it was slowing me down and making me a danger to my partner…

Rogue managed to pin the guy down though, and I went in to make the arrest…

“Oh my God, I’ve been stabbed…

…I thought to myself. I sucked it up though… got the bad guy secured… The adrenaline wore off halfway to the hospital… and the pain really kicked in…

There was no stab wound — thank God — but I could barely move… Turns out the MRI showed a massive slipped disk… clearly the result of me letting myself get in such bad shape…

It was frustrating because I had always bounced back from injury so fast in my army days…

…but this time I had really let myself go… Geez… Here’s a pic of me at the lake just before the accident…

And things went downhill fast from there… I could barely move…

…and I watched helplessly
as my belly just got bigger
and flabbier…

And of course my “soldier-on” mentality made it even worse…

You see, all through my career I’ve also been a personal trainer on the side.

I just love helping people… So of course I wanted desperately to “fix” my own broken body…

As soon as I was cleared to exercise, I set to work…

I’d tell myself…

“Come on Todd, you can do it! Just one more rep…”

Then the next day I’d feel so much worse. The pain more crippling. And I’d go back to the drawing board.

I’d read one more book on back pain or neck pain… And try again as soon as I could stand it…

I worked my butt off every day… yet my body was falling apart…

Until one day I caught a glimpse of myself in a changing room mirror at the gym… My face went cold. My legs actually wobbled… and I quickly pulled on the baggiest shirt I could find… so I could conceal my body and hide from the embarrassment…

I felt like a fake… A personal trainer and elite SWAT operator with a saggy and flabby belly…

In that very terrible, very humiliating
moment I knew I had a choice to make…
I could do 1 of 2 things

I could keep pounding away… Work harder…

Do more sets and reps… Sweat more…

All of which I knew deep down was just not working…

Or I could make the choice I did…

To find a better way…

And it may sound totally weird, yet it was Rogue who finally showed me the way…

All through my dark days, my despair and my frustrated tears…

Rogue was there for me…

I knew, no matter what, he was there to greet me with his wildly beating tail and his excited whine…

And when he would sit and gaze straight into my eyes, it’s like I could read the trust, love and support he was sending me…

Yet there was something else in his gaze… something new… something I could not quite pick out…

At first I thought it was worry…

Yet one morning while I soaked up the unconditional love in that dog’s eyes… I understood something new, something important…

It wasn’t worry Rogue was sending me…
it was disapproval…

I Found The Secret To Ending My Pain
And Finally Having The Body I Desired
Deep In The Gaze Of My Loving Friend
And Partner’s Eyes…

In that moment I knew, he was trying to teach me to live in the moment… The simple wisdom in the eyes of my loyal friend unlocked something powerful inside me…

I read in his eyes that life isn’t worrying about your flabby belly or your pain, but about accepting it and opening yourself to a path forward… It’s about total acceptance of who you are right now… About letting go and loving… And that pushing against your nature will always end in failure…

On some level, I finally understood why I was stuck… Why I was still in so much pain… And why… even before the accident… I was working so hard on getting back my six pack without ever seeing any results…

I know… I know… it all sounds a bit crazy… What does any of this have to do with you getting a flat belly?… But let me explain… What I’ve discovered is this…

Transforming your body starts with the power of
your mind and your emotions

Once I got my spirit aligned with that… and with what I really wanted… The solution practically landed in my lap…

Once I channeled my energy into finding the answer… things just started falling into place…

The Six Pack Abs I Desired Became
Magnetised Towards Me…

A few days later I slipped into one of my favorite coffee places… I hadn’t been there in months… I had been too busy wallowing in self pity…

And I happened to run across an old friend… probably one of the smartest strength and conditioning coaches in the country… who was working with our national rugby team at the time…

It was like getting zapped with an electric current… My whole body started to tingle…

And you’ll see why in a second…

We sat down for coffee and one thing lead to another until he had pulled out my whole story…

He told me…

“You are broken because you are doing too much Todd. You are working way too hard, too intense… Forget about all the fancy workout protocols… Focus on how you feel…”

“If it feels good, it’s working good…”

To be honest, he started to lose me here… Then he explained… Most people nowadays have lost the sense of feel for their abs muscles… A lot of it is because of the way we live…

Lots of Sitting… Little injuries that accumulate over a lifetime and we don’t rehab properly… Low level inflammation we don’t even notice that comes from processed foods, chemicals and other toxins we are exposed to… Bad Posture… And ironically… too much exercise and bad workout advice…

Keep in mind, this guy has quite a terrific reputation… He’s known for fixing “broken” athletes…

Rugby is a tough sport. And most of the athletes that ended up under his care didn’t even realize how banged up they were… Yet thanks to his methods they would end up with 200-300% improvements in their physical performance just from putting them back together…

And everything hinged on one thing… Making sure they had strong and balanced abs muscles…

When I pulled into the driveway that night I had tears running down my cheeks… It was so long since I felt this kind of hope…

After telling my friend how just getting out of bed in the morning blurred my eyes with tears of pain… how bending over to lift groceries is something I dreamed of being able to do… how waking up in pain and muffling sobs into my pillow so I didn’t wake my wife was a nightly ritual…

Even though he was reluctant at first. In the end he turned to me and said…

…“I’m going to do something for you… I’m going to give you everything you need to know…”

“However, YOU are going to do the work Todd. You’re going to learn this stuff and run with it…”

I felt giddy. A grin split across my face… For the first time in so long, I felt hope… Hope that I would be delivered from pain… Hope that I could restore my body to the lean and athletic build I used to enjoy…

Once I knew what to do… Once I stopped working so hard and learned how to encourage my body to strengthen and heal naturally…

Once I discovered the right sequence of movements to rebuild and fortify my abs muscles… My progress was like one of Elon Musk’s rocket ships blasting off the earth…

What to Expect When You Open
To The Abs Secret Revealed
Here Today…

Well, here’s how it went for me…

Within 5 days I started sleeping through the night…

No more muffled sobs into my pillow…

On day 11 I got out of bed and walked all the way to the bathroom before I realized I didn’t feel any pain…

And day by day… bit by bit… things just kept getting better
and better
until one day something happened…

I got home and a box had been left at the front door… Without thinking I stooped down and picked it up… Too late I realized it was heavy… really heavy…

And I started sobbing… Deep, belly wracking tears of joy!

I picked up that big, heavy box and carried it into the house. Pain free!

And now every day when I get out of bed…

…I take a moment to place my hands on my belly…

…accept that it is firm, flat and strong…

…and give thanks for the blessing of being pain free and healthy…

It wasn’t all rainbows and

Even though my friend and mentor was true to his word… And gave me everything he knew…

It was a rough process… He worked with the best of the best… the strongest, toughest and most conditioned athletes in the country…

And I soon realized I had to figure out how to get his stuff to work for me… The first steps were tough… lot’s of trial and error…

And on a personal level, I learned who my real friends were… Other trainers at the gym, and even guys I thought were friends, just laughed and ridiculed me at first when they saw what I was doing

”Don’t waste your time with that silly crap” they’d say…

They made me feel small… They made me doubt myself… However I stuck it out… And you know what?

It wasn’t long before I started noticing
some amazing things, some very
terrific evidence

All those guys who were laughing… they spent twice as long on their abs training as me… yet they never seemed to get or look any better… even after the months and months!

Something else I noticed… those same guys always seemed to be cursed with little injuries. And I realized… even though I used to think I was one of the most “breakable” guys in the gym…

  • I hadn’t been hurt in ages!…
  • In fact I felt better and stronger that I ever had in my life…
  • My back pain was a distant memory…
  • I was training LESS than before…
  • My training was less intense…
  • My results were visible from one week to the next

And you know what?…
I felt so good… and the methods I was
using were so friendly that…

I even convinced my wife Tara to start
using the program…

You see, she’s with the police force too… And although she tried to stay in shape, earlier in her career she suffered a crash in her police cruiser… And the injuries she got chained her to mostly desk work…

I tried to train her before, but my efforts only caused tears, pain and frustration…

However with these new methods… she told me she didn’t feel like she was “working out” at all… And she said the results were so noticable, and coming so fast, that it was easy to stay motivated…

You can see what she means in these
photos taken only a few weeks apart!…

And Me?…

About 12 weeks after starting the process I saw a pic of myself at the gym… A pic someone had snapped and posted on Facebook… They caught me at the end of a workout just as I was pulling my shirt over my head…

Listen: this was amazing because I’d been too
embarrassed to take my shirt off in public for years…

In fact the last shirtless pic of me was the one I showed you earlier by the lake… The one I was so ashamed of at the time… Yet now, I was shocked to see a legit six pack when that new pic showed up in my Facebook feed…

Instead of laughing… now those guys at the gym
started asking for help

I got so busy training folks that it started getting overwhelming…

Which is why I hunkered down and put all my methods into a book that I could give people instead of training them personally…

I took my notes from training Tara and these other guys and gals at the gym and sketched it all out so it was super easy to follow…

Well… It just snowballed from there when I figured out I could offer my book to all the folks who desperately need it — no matter where they are — on the internet…

Long story short it turned into nothing short of a worldwide sensation

Without putting it on Amazon or even having a publisher…

I’ve already helped over 31,000 regular
people like you and me rebuild and
fortify their abs muscles

…to get out of pain, avoid injury and build the flat and sculpted abs they desire…

So far, it’s probably the accomplishment I’m most proud of in my life…

And now… because I’ve had so much encouragement from the folks I’ve helped…

…and because of the final promise I made to Rogue, the best friend and partner anyone could ever hope for…

…I’m making it my mission to get this amazing system into the hands of 1,000,000 people…

Which is why I’m thrilled to
introduce you to…

It’s the first system designed to start by making you healthy on the inside — both emotionally and through a strong and balanced core — in order to make you visibly healthy on the outside too…

Here’s Why The Six Pack Secret Works
So Fast and So Well

It starts by removing the energy blockages in your body… The truth is, a weak or faulty core blocks and drains away your energy… Some cultures call this Ki, Chi, Prana or Spirit… I usually just think of it as the energy that flows through your nervous system…

And your abdomen is like a central “router” directing the flow of that energy… However when your abs muscles are weak or out of balance it causes those flows to break down or get directed in the wrong places… This sabotages you on many levels. It can…

  • Make you prone to injury
  • Drain your energy
  • Hinder your natural ability to heal
  • Dampen your mood
  • Slow your thinking
  • Increase factors that can lead to chronic disease
  • Make you hungry all the time

…and cause many more frustrating and painful complications… Which is why I had been exercising more and more… and never really seeing any improvements to my flabby belly…

And why I had been in constant pain even though I did everything I could to strengthen my abs… I was missing that one special, secret ingredient… And this is the mistake that almost everyone makes…

Your “Abs” Are Like An Ecosystem — Train The Muscles
To Work Together And You Enjoy Pain-Free Movement &
A Beautiful Flat Belly

You strengthen ONE part of your abs muscles and ignore the rest… You see, your abs are a whole SYSTEM of muscles that works together…

Most trainers and so-called experts though… they only train one small part… They focus on the “six-pack” muscles — called the rectus abdominis…

They end up throwing the whole abs system out of balance… And that’s when you end up with pain and a flabby belly… You end up blocking the flow of energy through this all-important part of your body…

It’s like cinching up a corset around your midsection that cradles your belly…

…and allows the energy to flow through it freely…

…so you can unlock an almost effortless flat and firm belly while you free yourself from pain and injury…

And that’s why I wrote this article for you today, I want my results, and Tara’s results, and the results of over 31,000 early users of the system to be your results

So let me tell you exactly what you’re
getting to help you start sculpting a
pain-free, injury-proof, slim, flat and
firm belly today!…

First, you’ll have the easy-to-read guide called
The Six Pack Secret Manual…

This is where you’ll discover how to effortlessly balance your core muscles for quick results…

I’ll guide you step-by-step so you can improve the tissue quality of your abdominal muscles and remove adhesions so you move freely and painlessly again… create the right balance of stability and mobility in your core muscles… adopt the natural movement patterns to allow a perfect flow of energy through your midsection… activate each muscle in your core with pinpoint precision…

and much more…

Next I’m giving you The Six Pack Secret
2-Week Quick Start System…

This is key to your success because it will get you up and running without delay…

And it will quickly reprogram your core muscles so you thrive during the next phases of the system!…

Next, for every phase of the system you’ll have
the super easy-to-follow Six Pack Secret
Exercise Technique Videos…

When this all started I was able to train each new client personally…

And creating these high-quality videos was the closest I could get you to that same experience without charging you my $125 per hour coaching fee…

Now, I’m sure you know that if you want visible abdominal muscles, or even if you want a super flat belly, you also need to be mindful of your nutrition…

And I’ve got you covered there too…

You’ll be getting The Six Pack Secret
Nutrition Plan…

It’s super simple. And for the first time I’m also going to include my now-famous Flat Belly Tea recipe that you can make right in your own kitchen!…

Plus I’m also giving you The Six Pack Secret
Supplement Stack Guide…

After years of trial and error I’ve figured out which supplements actually work, and make your results come easier and faster and which ones are just a total waste of time and money, or worse…

And I lay it all out for you in this guide…

By now you can see I’m doing everything in my power to make The Six Pack Secret work for you… To make it fast. To make it easy. And to make it enjoyable…

Which is why I’ve also created another little trick to make your life easier…

It’s The Six Pack Secret Workout Calendars…

Just stick these on your fridge or on the wall of the room where you like to do your exercises… and they will show you exactly what to do on what day… So you can get your exercises done in a jiffy — quickly and hassle free…

Now, I’ve got one more surprise for you that we’ve added to the system just recently… Because so many folks have been asking what exercises they can do for the rest of their body that work with The Six Pack Secret System…

…we’re giving you the The Six Pack Secret
Whole Body Strength & Tone Workouts…

These workouts strengthen and tone your entire body…

They are designed to be as short as possible while giving you the best possible results…

Now, I’ve also got a couple other very great, really terrific and exciting extras gifts for you today that you can only get during this presentation…

However for the moment, let’s add up everything you get in The Six Pack Secret system that I’ve just told you about…

as you can imagine it comes up to a combined list price of $147

If you’re being completely honest with yourself, I bet you’d say $147 or more would be totally fair to feel happy and SMILE so wide it makes your cheeks hurt every time you look in the mirror…

or run a hand along your belly because it’s so flat and strong and tight (without ever doing a anything that feels like a “workout” at all)…

Heck, If you’re in pain right now I bet you’d think that was downright cheap to never have to feel that frustration, hopelessness or desperation again for the rest of your life…

I mean, $147 is a lot of money, but considering how this will change your life forever and finally get you off the “no pain, no gain treadmill” so you can spend your time LIVING your life instead of beating yourself up without seeing any results…

Well, when you look at it that way it seems pretty cheap, doesn’t it?

Yet I just can’t give it to you at that price. Because…

I made a promise to Rogue that
I just can’t break…

Forgive me if I get a bit choked up telling you about this…

But in my final minutes with my faithful friend… as I held him, fed him his favorite doggy biscuits, and gave him what comfort I could… I thanked him for everything he had taught me about being a better person, about courage, about trust and serving others…

…and I made him a promise…

I promised him I would do whatever it takes to serve as many people as I could and to pass on his gifts to them…

I don’t know how long I just sat and cried after he passed away peacefully with his head cradled on my lap…

…yet I remember that even though it hurt so bad, at the same time I felt an overwhelming sense of responsibility to live up to the promise I made him…

And although it sounds crazy… to honor that promise my dream is to help and serve 1,000,000 people

I don’t quite know how I’m going to do that, but I know it starts with you… One person at a time. Just help one person at a time… And if I have to take a hit to my wallet to help YOU? To make sure you can afford to take action today… Well, that’s a price I’m extremely happy to pay…

So here’s what I’m going to do… We’ve already agreed that The Six Pack Secret is worth at least $147

But, because you’ve read this article and given me some of your precious time… I’m not going to ask you to invest $147…

For as long as you’re on this page (and not a moment longer) I’m going to set YOUR PRICE for “The Six Pack Secret” at just ONE single payment of $77…

And if you act RIGHT NOW I’ll take money out of my own pocket and knock an extra $40 Off… Which means if you simply click the button below right now you’ll get the complete Six Pack Secret system for the severely discounted price of Just…

Regular Price: $147
Your Discounted Price: $37

That’s the good news… The bad news is
to “lock in” your discount you have to
act right now.


Well, I’m actually in a bit of a “fight” with my amazing (and extremely headstrong) wife right now…

After experiencing the power of this program for herself (and seeing first hand how this material has CHANGED THE LIVES of so many friends, family and folks who have invested in the program)…

Tara tells me that I’m being a “bleeding heart” by setting the price so low and that $37 is just WAY too cheap…

That even though the program is tested and proven and powerful, nobody is going to believe you can get “Saks 5th Avenue Results” at “Walmart” prices…

And that to fulfill my promise and my mission to help as many struggling folks as possible I may need to raise or even double the price…

If you’re still seeing this article, it means we’re still testing to find out if we can “make the numbers work” with your incredible discount…

But please, if you come back in a few hours or tomorrow and the price is higher (maybe, MUCH higher)…

Please, don’t write me begging… If you pass up your one chance to “lock in” your discount now, there’s simply nothing I can do for you.

Oh, and just to take away every excuse your brain can come up with not to do this for yourself…

I’m going to back everything I’ve said up with a
frankly-incredible 100% Money-Back guarantee…

Here’s how it works:

Just enroll in “The Six Pack Secret” right now…

USE the material… (It’s so easy to use and as close to “Done For You” as humanly possible.)

See for yourself how EASY getting a taut, firm, FLAT belly can actually be…

If you don’t think “The Six Pack Secret” is worth at least double what you’re paying today, just contact my customer service at [email protected] any time in the next 60 days…

And you’ll get every dime back as fast as we can.

Now, you might ask why exactly am I being so generous?

That’s a very good question… And I’ve got two answers for you…

The first is kind of selfish…

After putting so much time and effort into creating this program and seeing how it CHANGED my life and the life of my wife forever, I want as many people as possible to use it to create the body you want and deserve so much…

The second answer is maybe a little “sappy” I guess…

It’s because I want this for you… I want you to experience what it’s like to look in the mirror AND LOVE what you see… To get compliments from random people on the street on how fit and healthy you are…

To actually get EXCITED about walking around with your belly exposed because of the stares it draws and how POWERFUL it makes you feel… To live truly pain free and to feel the unhindered energy flowing through your body…

And if I have to put myself out there a bit to help you? I’ll gladly do just that…

And all you have to do is click the button right below now…

OK, if you’re not convinced yet…

If there’s a still a little voice in the back of your head that isn’t quite sure…

Let me do one more thing to make this the easiest choice of your life…

And to make sure you don’t let “fear of regret” keep you from taking advantage of this wonderful offer…

See, I want you to feel deep in your heart and deep in your soul that you’re getting an incredible deal that you can be proud of…

Heck, I want you to feel like you “put one over on me” by doing what I know you want to do so badly and enrolling in the program today…

That’s why I’ve got 3 Very Special
for you just for saying “Maybe”
to “The Six Pack Secret” today…

First I’ll give you my Fix & Flatten
Gut Health Protocol…

Did you know that the toxins, bloat and inflammation in your gut is probably adding as much as 3 inches to your TRUE waist size right now?…

Stress, pollutants, and even hidden ingredients in so-called “healthy” foods are causing gut inflammation in 100% of people… That inflammation and bloating pushes out on your gut lining and makes you look way fatter than you really are…

Worse… it triggers a domino effect of possibly serious health issues. So Today I’m giving you my foolproof protocol to restore your gut health and eliminate this dangerous and ugly belly inflammation in only 7 days…

Simply follow the step by step plan and experience the strange sensation of watching your belly deflate daily, like you’re letting the air out of a balloon…

Your second present is your very own
Perfect Butt Add-On Exercises…

Believe me, as you feel your midsection shrinking you’re going to need some new clothes… and nothing feels quite so awesome as slipping on a brand new pair of jeans — 4-6 sizes smaller than your old ones — and experiencing the fact that your gut doesn’t slip over the waist anymore!

However, whether you’re a man or a woman… nothing completes the sexiness of a great pair of jeans like an amazing butt…

Guys look more powerful and manly with a great butt. Women look more sexy and feminine with just the right curves on the derriere, Which is why I’m also giving you my Perfect Butt Add-On Exercises absolutely free today. Just add this little routine to your program for an extra kick to whip your butt into the perfect shape…

Your third present is something special. In fact, I can’t do this for everyone…

I want you to have 21 Days Of Online VIP
Coaching absolutely FREE of charge…

Even though full-price members are already paying $79 a month for this VIP service… I know how important direct support and coaching is and that’s what I want for you… I want you to have a 100% success rate which is why I need you to have free access to this amazing online coaching resource starting today…

As soon as you finish your enrollment you’ll instantly be added to my secret closed Facebook group where you can ask me any question you want, network and bond with other folks going on the exact same journey and get the motivation and ACCOUNTABILITY you need to stick to the program and get the amazing results I’ve promised you here today…

And as an extra special added bonus… if you decide to keep your membership after your 21 days of free access… I’m going to extend an exclusive offer to keep your VIP coaching access for just $47 per month instead of paying the full monthly membership fee!…

It’s just another way of saying thank you for reading this life-changing article…

So let’s add this all up just so you can see for yourself what a great deal you’re actually getting…

With your special discount you’ll get the complete “Six Pack Secret” program for just $37…

We already agreed that “The Six Pack Secret” is worth at least $147 all by itself… so that’s already a pretty great deal…

But then, at no additional charge at all, you’re also getting:

Fix & Flatten Gut Health Protocol…

the Perfect Butt Add-On Exercises…

AND 21 days of our ELITE VIP Online Coaching…

And each of those should probably sell for $95 or more all by themselves too…

If you were at the supermarket that would all add up to… $287

But using your special discount
you’ll get everything for just $37…

I don’t know about you, but if I was at the store, swiped my “membership card” and saw my bill for $287 worth of stuff plummet to less than $40 I’d feel like I won the lottery…

Or like there was some mistake

But no matter what I’d rush to claim my discount before anyone tried to take it away…

And all you have to do to claim your discount and take advantage of this amazing deal is click the big button below right now

Then fill in your payment details using a credit card, debit card or PayPal on the next page.

And you’ll have COMPLETE ACCESS to the entire program is just 2 short minutes from right now…

Just click the button below right now… Pay your severely discounted enrolment fee…!!

Go through the program. Learn the secrets of transforming your belly in shockingly little time, without beating yourself up… Experience what it’s like to be in control of your body and in CONTROL of your life

If you’re anything like the tens of thousands of other folks who have used this program, you’re going to be amazed at the change in your life (and the change in you) once you learn this…

How everyone you meet just looks at you differently… amazed at the power and grace of your body…

If you’re like most of our customers you’re going to have a hard time wiping that goofy smile off your face… Or keeping that joyous sparkle out of your eyes… Or keeping your mouth shut when your friends and family ask to know your secret that created such a change in you, seemingly overnight…

OK! It’s time to take action

Regular Price: $147
Your Discounted Price: $37

You might not know it (at least
not consciously) but you’re at an
important crossroads in your
life right now…

And you really just have two very different options… Leading to two very different lives…

One a lifetime of energy and hope and passion for life, where you LOVE your body and are amazed every time you look in the mirror… The other…

Well, the other is just a continuation of the life you have now… So listen closely as I tell you what your two options are so you can make the right choice for you…

Option 1 is to leave this page WITHOUT enrolling in the program…

I think you already know what will happen if you do this because you’ve felt it so many times before… That feeling of hopelessness… Of being trapped in your body… Of feeling yourself getting heavier and more exhausted and more FED UP with your struggle with your belly flab and with your aches and pains every single day… Wondering why it’s SO HARD for you to get in shape and STAY in shape…

Or feeling GUILTY because you aren’t spending HOURS and HOURS at the gym every week, or because you working out as hard as you can but you’re not getting anywhere at all… I know you don’t want that… I know you are SICK of seeing your ugly belly flab staring at you every time you look in the mirror… Of pretending it doesn’t bother you and that you’re “OK” with the body you have right now… Of YEARNING to know what it’s like to have power and control and ENERGY like you did when you were a kid…

Which is why I want you to take a second here and seriously consider taking road number 2…

In a lot of ways it’s the easier road because all it takes on your part is deciding you love yourself enough to say “Yes” right now…

Simply click the button below, enter your payment information right now before life gets in the way and claim your spot in the “The Six Pack Secret” program…

Get every single thing I’ve talked about in this article (and quite a few surprises I haven’t even mentioned but I can’t wait for you to see)…

Learn the simple, tested method that SAVED my beautiful wife Tara from a life battling her pain and feeling ashamed of her belly flab…

Learn the SECRET to a flat belly and a fit, healthy body that has been kept from you for so long…


With your 60-Day guarantee you’re risking absolutely nothing (in fact all the risk is completely on me where it belongs… I firmly believe If I don’t get you EVERY result I’ve promised in this article I simply don’t deserve a dime of your hard-earned money)…

And with your special discount you’re getting way more than HALF OFF the already ridiculously-low one-time price of enrollment

Before we go, just imagine for a moment…

Imagine yourself rolling out of bed feeling light and strong for the first time in your life…

Imagine seeing a bright, beautiful smile on your face when you look in the mirror and realize how powerful and beautiful your body has become…

…and how flat and firm your belly feels when you run your hands over it…

Imagine picking out clothes that SHOW OFF your belly instead of hiding it like something to be ashamed of…

And then just click the button below

Let me take the weight… let me show you the truth… let me help you finally have the body and the life you want so much…

I personally promise you’ll be very happy you did.

Again, I’m Todd Lamb and I’m incredibly excited for you to experience what happens when you apply “The Six Pack Secret” in your life…

I can’t wait to hear about your success.
Thank you for your time. Simply click
the button below, now.

Regular Price: $147
Your Discounted Price: $37